Goodbye Letter to Addiction: Template & Example

short goodbye letter to alcohol

Oh dear friend Alcohol, what a long, weary road we have traveled together. When I first met you at the ripe age of 15, I had no idea what an impact you would make on my life – and not the good kind, unfortunately. Design for Recovery offers the skills and support for lifelong sobriety. Design for Recovery provides structured sober living in Los Angeles, California. This is my sobriety letter, a pledge to myself and others that I will remain steadfast in my recovery. You sent me to the hospital more than a few times.

Write a letter to your future self.

  • You sent me to the hospital more than a few times.
  • You’ve been a part of my world for ten years now.
  • I’m connecting with myself and others in an authentic, genuine and mindful way these days.
  • Additionally, they will encourage you to play an active role in all aspects of your treatment.
  • This signifies the end of the relationship and your commitment to moving forward.

I operate from a clear conscious and a full heart nowadays since I left you behind. It’s nice knowing you no longer have a say in my thoughts, my actions or my life, for that matter, and that I’m driving this bus now. I get to decide how I spend my time and with whom I spend it with. I spent years trying to leave you, but I never succeeded for more than a few days or weeks at a time. In fact, I was in debt because of you.

short goodbye letter to alcohol

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A friend that showed me a way to relax using my breath, not wine. A friend that showed me a way to deal with my emotions, not run away from them. A friend that told me I was strong, beautiful, powerful, and that I could be so much more goodbye letter to alcohol examples than I was. I wrote this post on my old website back in 2017, in a flurry of emotional release via my keyboard. I was struck then by the similarities between how I felt about alcohol, and my experience within an abusive relationship.

Help Your Future Self

  • Instead, you camped out in my home, my car, my office and even went so far as to hide in my suitcase on our family trip to Disneyland.
  • Leaving you helped me focus on restoring my hope in living free from the grip of substance abuse.
  • One method that has gained popularity is writing a goodbye letter to alcohol.
  • My traumatic childhood experiences led me down a dark path.
  • This isn’t a letter that you are submitting for a grade in school.

I know the future can and will be exciting, but also a challenge, a challenge I will embrace and will face head-on. I have hope in my heart, and hope is a wonderful thing. I know now how cunning, baffling and powerful you can be when you want to have your way with me. I’ve finally realized that I’m not as special as you said l was. You tried to convince me that I was the only one but the truth is there are many, just like me, whom you have left broken hearted.

Get Guidance on Crafting a Powerful Farewell to Addiction Letter

short goodbye letter to alcohol

short goodbye letter to alcohol

  • I was lost in love with you for such a long time.
  • For a long time, I felt like you made me lose everything.
  • When I tried to say good-bye a few months ago, you kept teasing me.
  • We provide the most suitable method of recovery tailored to you or your loved one’s needs.